What Are Hurricane Shutters

Hurricane shutters are not a subject of mere curiosity for those living in storm-prone areas; they are a vital part of home protection. These unique additions to your home can be life-saving. Let’s delve into what they are and why you might need them.

Definition and Function

Hurricane shutters are sturdy barriers installed over windows and doors. They protect the glass from breaking under the force of strong winds and flying debris. These shutters are instrumental in keeping the storm outside and your family safe inside.

Different Types

1. Roll-Down Shutters:

These are permanently attached above the windows and roll down manually or electronically. They offer excellent protection and are convenient to use.

2. Accordion Shutters:

These shutters are housed beside the windows and are manually pulled across. They’re a cost-effective option, providing solid protection.

3. Storm Panels:

Storm panels are removable panels, offering flexibility. They are typically made of steel or aluminum, providing a solid barrier when needed.

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Importance of Hurricane Shutters

Hurricane shutters can significantly reduce damage during a storm. By keeping the wind and debris from breaking windows, they prevent dangerous changes in pressure inside the home. This effect helps in maintaining the structural integrity of the house.

Some of the popular makers of Hurricane shutters are American Hurricane Shutters, Hurricane Shutters, and Hurricane Shutters Florida.

Advantages and disadvantages of hurricane shutters:

Protection Against Debris: Keeps wind and debris from breaking windows, maintaining the home’s structural integrity.Initial Cost: Installation can be expensive, depending on the type and material.
Compliance with Regulations: Often meets local building codes, possibly leading to insurance discounts.Maintenance Required: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure proper function.
Variety of Options: Available in different styles and materials to suit various budgets and aesthetic preferences.Potential Difficulty in Operation: Some models might be challenging to deploy, especially without practice.
Increase in Property Value: This can enhance the resale value of a property due to added protection.Aesthetic Concerns: Some people may find certain styles unappealing or not matching the home’s exterior.
Energy Efficiency: This may provide added insulation, leading to potential energy savings.Potential Obstruction of Views: Can obstruct views when deployed, reducing natural light.
Peace of Mind: Offers safety and security during a hurricane, leading to less stress during storm season.Professional Installation: DIY installation can be risky if not done properly, possibly requiring professional intervention.

Building Regulations

In some hurricane-prone areas, building codes require the installation of hurricane shutters. They must meet specific standards for strength and design. Complying with these regulations is not only legal but can also lead to discounts on homeowners’ insurance.


Professional installation of hurricane shutters is highly recommended. Experts will ensure the shutters are correctly fitted and meet the necessary standards. DIY options are available but require careful consideration and understanding of the installation process.


Regular maintenance of hurricane shutters is vital. Check them periodically for signs of wear and tear and ensure they operate smoothly. Proper maintenance increases their longevity and effectiveness.

What is the difference between storm shutters and hurricane shutters?

The terms “storm shutters” and “hurricane shutters” are often used interchangeably, as both refer to protective barriers installed over windows and doors to shield against severe weather conditions. However, there can be subtle differences in terminology based on the specific purpose and region.

Storm Shutters:

General Protection: Storm shutters might be designed to protect against a broader range of weather conditions, including storms, hurricanes, high winds, and even hail.

Various Designs: Depending on the region and the type of weather they are meant to protect against, storm shutters may vary in design and material.

Wider Usage: These shutters can be used in regions prone to various types of severe weather, not limited to hurricanes.

Hurricane Shutters:

Specific Protection: Hurricane shutters are typically designed with hurricanes in mind, particularly for regions prone to tropical cyclones.

Stronger Materials and Standards: Since hurricanes are associated with extreme wind speeds and flying debris, hurricane shutters are often made with more robust materials and must meet stricter building code standards.

Regional Consideration: These shutters are more common in areas specifically vulnerable to hurricanes, such as coastal regions in the southeastern United States.


Hurricane shutters are more than a practical addition to homes in storm-prone areas; they are necessary. With various types and functions, they provide the protection needed to keep families safe during a storm.

Consider your needs, consult with professionals, and invest in this essential safety feature. Remember, the best time to prepare for a hurricane is long before one is on the horizon.

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